Sayang anak-anak mama, kakak & adik ini untuk kamu baca dewasa kelak..tiada apa yang mama ada untuk ditinggalkan ...hanya secebis kenangan buat bekalan ..buat papa...terima kasih diatas segala pengorbanan mu yang tidak terhingga...hanya Allah yang akan membalas semua jerih perihmu mengharungi hidup bersama kami....Terima kasih pada Allah atas pertemuan ini...Terima kasih untuk cinta yang teristimewa ini....Semoga cinta ini akan sekali lagi dipertemukan Di Jannahmu Ya Allah.
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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Congrats papa...!

Ritz Carlton is pleased to offer you the position as a part of us  for our organization.
We are all excited about the potential that you bring to our company.

Welcome on board

Alhamdullillah! That the best word! THANKS Allah for granted our wish for this .And the time has come papa....horayyyy! lepas ni papa dah tak yah lah lagi stayback for long more and insyaalah one more wish will be come true....insyallaah...we will hard pray to Allah...may he listen to us....

Tahniah sekali lagi buat mu papa....kesabaran yang terlalu panjang for this time being and at last it's berbuah dengan penuh sweet! 
Dan papa akan tersenyum lebar kan sebab in just few days jer lagi you will found a new space in your life! 

Frankly speaking! Pas nih papa dah tokyah lagi nak stayback bagai nak rak plus balik umah kener ngadap lappy buat report ituh ini.....dah sah-sah pas 8 jam kojer dah boleh balik...ngadap jer muker basi kami nih...hahaha....

Ok lah pa, mama will always pray the best to you! chaiyok-chaiyok!
May this is better for you...

Chup-chup !!


*Our papa has kindly contributed his services for about 12 years for Intercontinental Hotel formerly knows as Nikko Hotel. Only after several discussion he's agreed to serving elsewhere. Actually he's too heavy hearted.

Secebis dari kata-kata papa on his farewell day that makes me so touching!

"While leaving from here, my mind has been flooded with mixed feelings. I am happy about joining a new venture on a better position and package, but at the same time it makes me sad to know that I am leaving a company which gave me many friends and a lot of sweet memories. My love was been found here…Yes it is here at Cafe Serena and thanks god we’re happily married with 2 kids. Most of my good life‘s achievement are comes from here. This hotel was really made my life!"


lullaby bye!
